2014 InBC Fire Door Systems: A Guide to Code Compliance

  • August 21, 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Zionsville Town Hall, 1100 West Oak Street, Zionsville


Registration is closed
2014 InBC Fire Door Systems: A Guide to Code Compliance

A training seminar sponsored by the Indiana Association of Building Officials, Inc. a chapter of the International Code Council, Inc.

Date: August 21, 2019

  • Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m.
  • Class will start at 9:00 a.m.
  • There will be 1-hour allotted for lunch
  • Class will conclude at 4:00 p.m.
Location:  Zionsville Town Hall, 1100 West Oak Street, Zionsville


Member $100, this fee will cover the instructor and materials

Non-member:  $125, this fee will cover the instructor and materials

SPECIAL NOTE:  Lunch for this program WILL BE PROVIDED compliments of Shaffner Heaney Associates.

*IABO has applied for funding through the Statewide Fire and Building Safety Education Fund (675 IAC 12-11).  Please DO NOT pay in advance as an invoice will be sent following the class.

This course consists of six contact hours and earns 0.6 ICC PPN CEU's. 

Course Description:

This seminar will allow participants to better understand the fundamental guideline principles that govern the provisions of Chapters 3 - 10 of the 2014 Indiana Building Code.  It will provide a thorough review of those provisions which guide the architectural community and code officials to better approach the challenges inherent to design, construction and fire & life safety compliance.  Upon completion, course participants will be able to identify the various separation requirements in the 2014 Indiana Building Code, and how a variety of fire door systems can be used to achieve code compliance.

Major topics discussed will include:

  • The Five Walls of the IBC
  • Elevator Separation
  • Exit Access Separation
  • Vertical Opening Separation
  • Occupancy Separation
  • Area Separation
  • Corridor Separation
  • Smoke Compartmentation

Presenter:  David L. Dodge, CSI, CDT, Vice President, Business and Code Development, McKeon Door Company

David has been involved in the construction industry since 1975.  With an extensive background in project estimating and management and a bachelor's degree in business management.  David soon realized a great deal of success in building product marketing and sales.  Within this venue he found his passion - building code development and architectural design compliance.  Since 1988, he has assisted architectural firms in understanding and implementing the provisions of the model codes as they pertain to fire and life safety.  His particular focus is on the fire door industry, promoting cutting edge technology to resolve code compliance challenges.  David is a corporate member of the International Code Council (ICC) and earned his Construction Document Technologist (CDT) from the Construction Specifications Institute.  He has served on several ICC committees, both local, regional and national, for the adoption and implementation of the International Building Code throughout the US. He is a recognized speaker and instructor, teaching the fire and life safety provisions model codes to design professionals and regulatory officials.  David is a certified CEU instructor under the ICC Education Provider program.  As part of the McKeon Door Company team, David draws on his 30-plus years of experience in the building code arena when assisting design professionals and product representatives with code and design compliance challenges.

Registration Deadline:

The registration deadline is August 14, 2019.  Registrations received after August 14 will not be guaranteed class materials at the time of class.

After registration is successfully submitted a confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered during registration.

Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be received in writing no later than August 14, 2019 to avoid penalty.  All late cancellations and no shows will be billed $50.  Faxed cancellations must be verified they were received.  It is the responsibility of the registrant to make the verification.  Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Attendance Notice Regarding Certificates/Funding: 

Indiana Association of Building Officials is committed to complying with the requirements of the Division of Fire and Building Safety, as they administer the education fund.

As Indiana Association of Building Officials submits the request for funding on behalf of the membership, IABO will not submit an attendee’s name who does NOT attend the entire class; failure to attend the entire class renders that attendee ineligible for funding.

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