"The More You Know" - Indiana Law and the Building Department

  • May 15, 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • VFW Post, 5864 1842 Veterans Way, Greenwood, IN 46143
  • 100



"The More You Know" - Indiana Law and the Building Department

A training seminar sponsored by the Indiana Association of Building Officials, Inc. a chapter of the International Code Council, Inc.

Date: Thursday, May 15, 2025

  • Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m.
  • Class will start at 9:00 a.m.
  • There will be 1-hour allotted for lunch (lunch will not be provided)
  • Class will conclude at 4:00 p.m.

Location:  VFW Post, 5864 1842 Veterans Way, Greenwood, IN 46143


Member $125

Non-member:  $150

*IABO has applied for funding through the Statewide Fire and Building Safety Education Fund (675 IAC 12-11).  Please DO NOT pay in advance as an invoice will be sent following the class.

This course consists of six contact hours and earns 0.6 ICC PPN CEU's.  

Course Description:

Debuting in September of 1989, The More You Know is a series of public service announcements broadcast on NBC featuring messages emphasizing the value of education and the importance of reading.  Based on that theme, this seminar is will provide attendees the tools to find, read, understand, and apply the various Indiana laws that affect local building departments.  Understanding how the Indiana General Assembly’s actions affect what a building department may do, may not do, or may be required to do, this course aims to help attendees learn where to find the hidden gems, and avoid the landmines, in Indiana law.

Some of the topics that will be discussed are:

  • Can a local building department license contractors?
  • Can you have a Rental Housing Program?
  • Are there laws that regulate requirements for inspections?
  • For what trade(s) are state licensure required?


While this course specifically addresses Indiana law, nothing in this seminar should be construed as legal advice.  Discussion of various scenarios is encouraged, but specific legal questions should be posed to your jurisdiction’s legal counsel.


Instructor:  Shelly Wakefield, CBO

Shelly Wakefield, CBO, has over 45 years’ experience in building code enforcement, inspections and plan review.  Shelly is currently a Project Manager, Planning and Building Services, with Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, Inc. Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors.  As a Project Manager, Shelly performs building code plan reviews for code compliance for the issuance of building permits for the City of Indianapolis, Town of Sellersburg, Town of Clarksville and City of Rushville, as well as a planning and zoning consultant for the City Rushville.  Shelly retired from the State of Indiana, Department of Homeland Security, Division of Fire and Building Safety, formerly known as the Indiana Department of Fire and Building Services, State Building Commissioner’s Office (prior to 2005).  During her tenure with the State, Shelly served as Director of Fire and Building Code Enforcement, Acting State Building Commissioner, Acting Director of Plan Review, Manager of Code Adoption, and Director of Building Code Enforcement (prior to legislative change building inspection and fire inspection were two separate division).  Prior to employment with the State, Shelly was employed by the City of Columbus/Bartholomew County, Indiana as Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, performing building and zoning inspection as well as plan review.  Shelly is a two time President of IABO (2004-2005 & 1996-1997) and has served on a majority of the Association's committees.  Shelly's passion lies with code education, as there is always something new to learn and she enjoys sharing code knowledge with others.  As a Certified Building Official (CBO), Shelly holds additional certification as a building inspector/plan reviewer, plumbing inspector/plan reviewer, fire inspector and combination residential inspector to name a few.  Shelly is a sitting member of the Plumbing Test (residential, general and plan review exams) for National Certification Program for Code Construction Inspector (NCPCCI).

Registration Deadline:

The registration deadline is May 11, 2025 at 11:59 pm.  No registrations will be received after May 11 and no walk-ins will be allowed the day of the training.

After registration is successfully submitted a confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered during registration.

Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be received in writing no later than May 11, 2025 to avoid penalty.  All late cancellations and no shows will be billed $50.  Faxed cancellations must be verified they were received.  It is the responsibility of the registrant to make the verification.  Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Attendance Notice Regarding Certificates/Funding: 

Indiana Association of Building Officials is committed to complying with the requirements of the Division of Fire and Building Safety, as they administer the education fund.

As Indiana Association of Building Officials submits the request for funding on behalf of the membership, IABO will not submit an attendee’s name who does NOT attend the entire class; failure to attend the entire class renders that attendee ineligible for funding.

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