7 C's for Inspectors

  • June 18, 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • VFW Post, 5864 1842 Veterans Way, Greenwood, IN 46143
  • 100



7 C's for Inspectors

A training seminar sponsored by the Indiana Association of Building Officials, Inc. a chapter of the International Code Council, Inc.

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2025

  • Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m.
  • Class will start at 9:00 a.m.
  • There will be 1-hour allotted for lunch (lunch will not be provided)
  • Class will conclude at 4:00 p.m.

Location:  VFW Post, 5864 1842 Veterans Way, Greenwood, IN 46143


Member $125

Non-member:  $150

*IABO has applied for funding through the Statewide Fire and Building Safety Education Fund (675 IAC 12-11).  Please DO NOT pay in advance as an invoice will be sent following the class.

This course consists of six contact hours and earns 0.6 ICC PPN CEU's.  

Course Description:

The world of Building Safety is indeed as vast and deep as the oceans, and much of what is to come is still unexplored territory.  So the sea seemed to provide a good metaphorical way for us to set sail, to embark on our voyage to explore the duties and influences that create our value to the communities we serve.  But, we’re inspectors, not sailors, so instead of sailing the Seven Seas, we’re going to explore our own 7-C’s.  Why are Context, Communication, Consequences, Consistency, Competence, Character and Customer Service so important to the Building Safety Professional?  How do we uphold the ideals we share for safety in the built environment, and use them both to enhance our relationships with our community partners?  How do we “OWN” the titles of both professional and servant; raise our profile, and be recognized for the value and the positive difference we make in our hometowns?  Join us in this voyage!


Instructor:  Dan Dockery

Dan Dockery was the Chief Building Official for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Planning and Development Services.  He has been a CEO for 18 years and prior to that was an Unlimited Licensed Builder, and a member of the North Carolina Home Builder's Association.  He has served as the President of the North Carolina Building Inspectors Association, and is currently Vice-Chair of the Governing Committee of the ICC Building Membership Council.  Dan is a proud supporter of the code's value in growing successful communities, and in the benefit of having Inspectors serve as "builders" of their community through the partnerships they establish in serving their own jurisdictions.  In sharing the 7-C's with his mentors and peers Dan finds satisfaction in helping establish behaviors that ensure our professional commitment to our hometowns, and help us realize our own and our professions worth, while we Raise the Profile of our calling as Building Safety Officials and community servants.

Registration Deadline:

The registration deadline is June 13, 2025 at 11:59 pm.  No registrations will be received after June 13 and no walk-ins will be allowed the day of the training.

After registration is successfully submitted a confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered during registration.

Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be received in writing no later than June 13, 2025 to avoid penalty.  All late cancellations and no shows will be billed $50.  Faxed cancellations must be verified they were received.  It is the responsibility of the registrant to make the verification.  Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Attendance Notice Regarding Certificates/Funding: 

Indiana Association of Building Officials is committed to complying with the requirements of the Division of Fire and Building Safety, as they administer the education fund.

As Indiana Association of Building Officials submits the request for funding on behalf of the membership, IABO will not submit an attendee’s name who does NOT attend the entire class; failure to attend the entire class renders that attendee ineligible for funding.

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